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There is a critical need for O negative, A negative, and B negative blood types. Schedule now.

$25 grocery/gas cards are in the bag for Carter BloodCare donors Mondays and Tuesdays in July

Blood donors urged to Stock the Shelves to support neighbors in need of transfusions

BEDFORD, TEXAS – June 28, 2022 – Carter BloodCare is helping take some of the bite out of grocery prices when donors step up to “Stock the Shelves” in July.

Donors who present to give whole blood, double red cells, platelets or plasma on Mondays or Tuesdays in July (July 4 – 26) will each receive a $25 gift card good for groceries or gas.

Consistently donating blood, plasma or platelets helps those in urgent need of transfusions. When emergencies strike, blood that is readily available on Carter BloodCare’s refrigerated shelves makes a lifesaving difference.

The need for donors is particularly vital in July. Blood donations tend to drop in the summer as high school students go on break and families focus on vacations. In fact, high school blood drives account for up to 25% of the community blood supply.

While all blood types are needed, O negative is in high demand. O negative is the universal blood type and can be used to help any patient, regardless of their individual blood type. It is also the only blood type that can be used to help premature babies.

Donate at any Carter BloodCare donor center or mobile blood drive across North, Central and East Texas. To secure a spot, visit and click the Donate Now tab, or call 800-366-2834.

About Carter BloodCare

Carter BloodCare is an independent, community blood center providing transfusion resources to more than 200 medical facilities in 50-plus counties of North, Central and East Texas. The nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization is one of the largest blood programs in Texas, delivering more than 440,000 blood products annually to meet hospitals’ requirements for their patients. Services include collection, processing, specialized laboratory testing, storage and distribution of blood and blood products.
Tu centro de sangre comunitario.

Carter Bloodcare bus for mobile blood donation