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Lisa “chose to help others because others chose to help me”

Lisa Howell

Lisa Hollowell recalls the life-threatening experience that led to a lifetime of giving back:

I chose to help others because others chose to help me.

Back in 1979, I almost lost my life. As my mother was taking me to school, we were hit in the middle of an intersection, by a driver who accidently ran a red light at a high rate of speed.

Emergency crews had to use the Jaws of Life to remove me from the vehicle. The main concern at the time was the major head trauma I had suffered from hitting the windshield, as the vehicle we were in did not have seat belts back then.

The paramedics worked feverishly to get me out of the vehicle because I was losing so much blood.

Upon arrival at the hospital, I was immediately cared after. However, little did they know, after shaving my head and treating the head wound, that I also had ruptured my spleen and appendix.

It was a long night of surgery, but had it not been for the kind staff and blood donors, I would not be here today.

Giving blood really does save lives and I will continue to give in hopes that I help save someone else.

The need is nonstop for blood, platelets and plasma. Like Lisa, you can make a lifesaving difference for neighbors in need by donating at a Carter BloodCare donor center or mobile blood drive near you, or call 800-366-2834 today.

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