t Liderazgo y Junta Directiva | Carter BloodCare
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Nuestros Líderes

Liderando para salvar vidas

Cada uno de nuestros líderes juega un papel valioso para hacer posible nuestra misión.

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Merlyn H. Sayers,

President and Chief Executive Officer

Veronica Moore
Vice President of Marketing & Operations Support

B. J. Smith
Vice President of Operations & Information Services

Laurie J. Sutor, MD
Vice President of Medical Services & Chief Medical Officer

Nancy Ausman
Chief Quality Officer

Jeffrey Centilli
Director of Analytics

Frances Compton, MD
Medical Director of Patient Services

Gus Cortes
Director of Applications

William Crews, MD
Medical Director of Laboratory Services

Nicole De Simone, MD
Medical Director of Clinical Apheresis Services

Stephen Eason
Director of Foundation

Scott Gastorf
Director of Finance

Shankar Goudar
Chief Information Officer

Terrie Henderson
Chief Human Resources Officer

Nancy Jones
Chief Financial Officer

Lavetta Kennedy
Technical Director

Lesley Kresie, MD
Medical Director of Technical Services

Clint McCoy
Director of Mobile Donor Recruitment and Regional Operations

Damon Nirode
Director of IT

Brandye Norman
Director of Collection Operations

Geeta Paranjape, MD
Medical Director of Clinical Services

Darlene Ramos-Garcia
Director of Human Resources

Jeff Ryan
Director of Facilities & Fleet Services

Andrea Sign
Director of Marketing, Communications and Donor Relations

Debra Smith, MD
Medical Director of Cellular Therapy Services

Sandy Wortman
Director of Reference and Transfusion

Vince Zost
Director of Cellular Therapy Laboratory

Junta Directiva

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Mr. Jim Chapman

Dr. Brian Becker

Ms. Karanae Duane

Mr. Craig Florence

Mr. Mark Hood

Mr. John Huck

Mr. Ellison Hurt, III

Mr. Robert Jones, Jr.

Ms. Anette Landeros

Mr. James Louis

Dr. David Mack

Mr. Luis Martinez

Dr. Anju Nair

Mr. George Roberts, Jr.

Dr. Karen Roush

Ms. Jane Sullivan

Ms. Tica Taylor

Ms. Natalie Wilkins

Directiva de la Fundación

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Mr. Bobby Grigsby

Mr. Eric Hyden

Mr. Charles Kurtzman

Mr. Mitch Clarke

Mr. Randy Talley

Mr. John Pardue

Mr. Sam Brooks

Ms. Judy Stubbs

Consejo Asesor del Centro de Texas

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Monica Bryant

Kelcie Griggs

David Guyer

Becky Hardie

Taina Maya

Matt Meadors

Robin Michell

Rhiannon Settles

Consejo Asesor del Este de Texas

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Rachel Barber

Dr. Lane Brunner

Dr. Bruce Carter
Smith County Medical Society, 2021 Representative

John Gaston

Jennifer Hines

Nikkie Hodges

Dr. Mike Jenkins

Anne Pileggi

Beth Powell

George Roberts

Lauren Tyler

Donald Warren

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